Which Side Are You Going To Choose?

A line has been drawn in the sand by our Father, YHWH.  He says the time has come to choose, which side are you on?  There is a line in the sand is very clear.

Yet choosing which side line to be on is one of the hardest things for each person to choose.  The main reason that this decision is so difficult is because of our mind set, our flesh, of what we were taught while growing up, of the life lessons that have been thrown our way.  Even though this line has been drawn, we cannot be in the neutral zone because there is no neutral zone.

This means we are already on one side of the line that was drawn in the sand.  So what side does this mean you are automatically on?  Do you really want to know?  You should want to know because your life does depend on this knowledge.

We are automatically put on the side that says, “Me, Myself, and I”.  This is where most of the population is on right now even the professing people who say they believe in “God”, “Jesus”, “YHWH”, “Yahushua”.  Do you respond with, “How can this be?  You have no right to say that I am on that side when you do not know me!  I will not read this garbage anymore.”  Is this truly a right attitude?   This is a classic, “Me, Myself, and I” attitude response.  Instead the response should be, “Huh?  I want to understand this first and then I will look within myself, and then pray on this matter to determine if I am indeed on that side.”

The “Me, Myself, and I” person basically keep themselves busy from the time they get up to the time they go to bed.  They do not open the scriptures to read, they do not take time to talk to YHWH during the day, and they are interested in taking matters in their own hands.  In other words, be in control of their life.   Their attitude is, “I have had a hard day and I deserve a break today.”  “I need to veg out and watch a movie or a television show.”  “I do not have time for YHWH right now and when I am not busy, I will spend time with Him.”  These are just a few of the “Me, Myself, and I” attitudes.  I know because I have been there.  I have said those things or have heard of others saying those things.  When I asked YHWH to teach me how to love Him with all my heart, soul, and being, this is what He taught me.

The other side is simply, “YHWH”.  To be on this side there are several things that need to happen.  First, you do need to love YHWH with all your heart, mind, and being.  Second, you do need to love Yahushua, the son, who died for our sins so that we may go before YHWH.  Third, you must say, “I surrender!  My life is not about me and what I want to do, but what YHWH wants me to do.”  This is not as easy to do because it is a battle with our flesh and our mind.  For so many years we have had the, “Me, Myself, and I” attitude and to change it to, “Not me, but what YHWH wants me to do” is a challenge!

This is what I see when I see the two groups.  In the, “Me, Myself, and I” group their heads are upright and they are looking around to see if they can find the next item, thing, or person to grab for themselves.  This is to bring attention to themselves or to make them look better than the person standing next to them.

In the, “YHWH” group the people all have their heads bowed down with full of love coming off their being for their creator, with respect toward their creator, with humility toward their creator, and ready to do whatever YHWH instructs them to do.

The people in the “Me, Myself, and I” are not happy people so they look for those instant gratifications.  Whereas the “YHWH” group the people in there are at peace, and full of trust, and do not seek the instant gratifications that dominates our world.

Yes, the line has been drawn.  Which sides do you want to be on?  This makes me think of one of the verses in the Scriptures that say I will separate the sheep from the goats.  I definitely want to be a sheep and not a goat.  I want to be on the YHWH side and surrender myself to Him.

Which side of the line are you going to choose?

About WalktotheGarden

A humble servant, wife, mother, and teacher. Trying to serve YHWH to the best of my abilities.
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